How to know which contacts, and how many times, have seen my Whatsapp status?

How to know which contacts, and how many times, have seen my Whatsapp status?  Until now, WhatsApp remains, and at least in the West, the preferred application for people to send messages, but as in other social networks such as Instagram, in WhatsApp you can share with your contacts statuses that are deleted after 24 hours of being published and although the app shows us who saw them, it is not known how many times they watched it. As you know, WhatsApp shows us who saw our statuses, this is as long as you have activated the read confirmation option, but you never know how many times someone has seen our statuses and if this makes you curious, then here we tell you how you can do to see who are aware of you.  How to know which contacts, and how many times, have seen my Whatsapp status?  Although the application offers several features to make it easier to use, some have not been added such as how many times a contact sees your status . If you want to know this information, then you

The end of bitcoin in 120 years

The end of bitcoin in 120 years
The end of bitcoin in 120 years

The 19 millionth bitcoin has been mined in block 730,034, representing another milestone and a reminder of the scarcity of this cryptocurrency. 

Even though there are only 2 million coins left to reach bitcoin's maximum issue of 21 million, the last of these will be mined approximately 120 years in the future.

However, this is no excuse to let time pass, especially now that global demand for bitcoin has skyrocketed among financial institutions, countries at war, individuals who use it to make payments or save, and even governments who see bitcoin as an alternative for trade and store of value. 

The 19 millionth bitcoin has been mined in block 730,034
The 19 millionth bitcoin has been mined in block 730,034

The global trend to adopt bitcoin as a trading and exchange currency now seems irreversible. Only 13 years after its creation and launch, having reached 19 million coins mined is for some a wake-up call.

What is the future of Bitcoin mining? 

Currently, each block with Bitcoin transactions generates 6.25 new BTC, which is distributed to the miner who has confirmed that block along with user commissions. But this amount was not always that amount.  

Every 4 years or so, the block reward is halved in an event known as halving. In 2009, each Bitcoin block generated 50 BTC, but this reward was first reduced to 25 BTC, then to 12.5 BTC, and lastly to 6.25 BTC, in the years 2012, 2016, and 2020, respectively.

And this means that there will be fewer and fewer coins for Bitcoin miners.  

According to the Braiins firm, miners' savings amount to just over 2 million 500 thousand bitcoins, between individual miners (in blue) and mining pools.

Miners' savings amount to just over 2 million 500 thousand bitcoins
Miners' savings amount to just over 2 million 500 thousand bitcoins

While miners have been saving and borrowing to avoid spending their bitcoins and pay for their activities (energy consumption, repairs, purchases, etc.), it is well known that their business model is moving away from block rewards to a model based on commissions paid by the user.

This does not necessarily mean that users will pay more for making transactions, but it will in the future represent one of the main revenues for miners. 

However, it is possible that the use of on-chain or mainnet transactions will be reduced and the Lightning network will be used much more, not only for the retail user but for some payments that require more liquidity.  

That way, the mainnet will be used to consolidate larger balances and payments, such as those that might then be needed by Lightning channels or exchanges and users who store their bitcoins in hardware wallets.

Maximize Your Earnings This Year

How many bitcoins are lost or destroyed? 

Although 21 million bitcoins are to be issued, a smaller amount may be used, as over time many BTC have been lost forever. 

According to a study by the firm Cane Island, published in 2020, only 14 million bitcoins will be in circulation, as in their estimation, 4% of the bitcoin circulating issue is lost every year.

And how is a bitcoin "destroyed"? 

A user could lose his key or private key and may never be able to access his wallet again. Also, someone could accidentally send some BTC to a wallet that is out of the use or whose keys are lost. Likewise, a user could die without leaving any heirs to receive those bitcoins, making his wallet inaccessible forever.

But they can also be destroyed intentionally, by sending them to wallet addresses whose private keys are destroyed by their owners with malice aforethought.  

Bitcoin Available Supply
Bitcoin Available Supply

Such is the case of the address 1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE, a vanity address whose letters warn not to send bitcoins under the certainty that they will be lost: "Don't send me bitcoins, I will eat them". Just over 13 BTC have been deposited at this address to date. 

Regarding this phenomenon, Bitcoin's creator assured us that each bitcoin issued could become more valuable as other coins are lost or destroyed.

"Lost coins just make everyone else's coins worth a little bit more. Think of them as a donation to everyone," Satoshi Nakamoto said in a post on the BitcoinTalk forum in June 2010. 

About 1.5 million BTC could be lost forever, and this is an estimate that could put pressure on those who don't have BTC yet, but also reminds us how important it is to know how to take care of our wallets.

And you, have you already invested money in bitcoin? If so, let us know your experience in the comments. If you liked the article, share it on your social networks and help us grow. 
